8 tips when organizing the office efficiently

Organizing the office Desk Computer

Organizing the office in a way that allows you to always have everything at hand may seem like a small task for some people. Those who can even have the perfect excuse for not having time for it.

However, if they really knew how long the disorganization cost them they would surely reconsider it. Since, an orderly and clean office will make it much easier to work, paving the way for greater productivity, less wasted time and greater creativity and concentration.

Not to mention, it can also help us project a better image of our company and attract more clients. As well as, reduce stress levels by knowing where everything we need is, at the required time.

Seen in this way, beyond that everything looks pretty and generates a good visual impact. Organizing the office is therefore a necessity and a challenge to be achieved. So, to facilitate this work, here are some tips that will surely be of great help to you.

1. Purge the office

One of the golden rules that we must follow when organizing the office tells us that: “less is more”. This means that we must start by getting rid of everything that unnecessarily occupies space, generates dirt or we do not want. For this, it is essential to look around us and ask ourselves, what can we order or eliminate? And what items do we have and have not used in a while?

Organizing the office Desk

In case we find something that does not work we must send it to repair or throw it away in case it does not have repair. This applies to office supplies, computers, shelves and furniture. Without forgetting of course decorations and plants, whether natural or artificial. And especially if they are covered in dust, as they make the office look bad. So it is best to get rid of them.

Similarly, in the case of papers and documents, it is not necessary to keep them indefinitely. So we can mark which files should be thrown away and which ones we should keep. For example, financial and legal documents generally need to be treasured for a longer period of time.

2. Gather and redistribute

When organizing the office, we have to keep in mind that we must collect all the objects or articles that are not where they belong, placing them in the space that corresponds to them. Also keep in mind that all objects of the same type should be stored together or as close as possible. This will allow you to get what you need more easily and in less time when organizing the office.

3. Establish work zones

To ensure that an office is orderly and functional, it is necessary that we determine what type of activity will be carried out in each space of it. In this sense and to make it practical we can establish three areas or zones. The main work area where our desk will possibly be, a reference area where the filing cabinets, shelves and folders will be located and a supply area.

4. Have the essentials on hand

Especially if it is small offices , this advice can totally change the way our work day unfolds. So putting the equipment, objects and supplies that we use most frequently in our work area will save us time and energy. While those that we rarely use we can keep them in a shelve or filing cabinet for greater comfort. This is applicable to our desk and in general to our work area.

5. Have a good labeller

Identifying everything we use is a practical way we use when organizing the office. Since it will help us to remember where we have each thing, as well as save or locate elements that we need more quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to have a labeller that is easy to use and take the time to label shelves, containers and drawers.

6. Check your file system

Although we are in the digital age and it is not necessary to print everything, it is normal that in the office we accumulate many papers. Therefore, it is extremely important to always have them organized. And a good way to do it is to classify them according to their use: daily, habitual or sporadic. So, when saving the documents and files that we are generating, it is best to distribute them according to this classification.

For this we can make use of a drawer with file, which, depending on the frequency of consultation of these papers, we can place it in our office or in another nearby area. On the other hand, it is convenient that if we are storing files on our computer we make sure to make backup copies periodically. In this way, in the event of any eventuality with the computer, we can recover important files and avoid rework.

7. Organize your desk

In addition to cleaning our desk and placing only those items that are really necessary for daily use. We must also use organizers or containers for the different elements of the desk. Such as paper trays and containers for small items.

As for your computer desktop, you should not forget to organize files and images in folders. And clean your computer desk daily leaving only the digital files you are using the most.

8. Be constant

If we want to avoid long hours when organizing the office, it is best to turn order into a habit. Avoiding being carried away by chaos and daily stress. Well, as we have already said, in this way we can enjoy all the benefits of having an organized office.